FD.io VPP  v18.07.1-19-g511ce25
Vector Packet Processing
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clear hardware-interfaces


clear hardware-interfaces [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]].


Clear the extended statistics for all or a list of given interfaces (statistics associated with the 'show hardware-interfaces' command).

Example usage
Example of how to clear the extended statistics for all interfaces:
vpp# clear hardware-interfaces
Example of how to clear the extended statistics for an interface by name and software index (where 2 is the software index):
vpp# clear hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: clear_hw_interface_counters_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 249)

Implementation: show_or_clear_hw_interfaces.

clear interface tag


clear interface tag <interface>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: clear_tag_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1270)

Implementation: clear_tag.

clear interfaces


clear interfaces.


Clear the statistics for all interfaces (statistics associated with the 'show interface' command).

Example usage
Example of how to clear the statistics for all interfaces:
vpp# clear interfaces

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: clear_interface_counters_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 549)

Implementation: clear_interface_counters.

create sub-interfaces


create sub-interfaces <interface> {<subId> [default|untagged]} | {<subId>-<subId>} | {<subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any [inner-dot1q <vlanId>|any] [exact-match]}.


This command is used to add VLAN IDs to interfaces, also known as subinterfaces. The primary input to this command is the 'interface' and 'subId' (subinterface Id) parameters. If no additional VLAN ID is provide, the VLAN ID is assumed to be the 'subId'. The VLAN ID and 'subId' can be different, but this is not recommended.

This command has several variations:

  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> - Create a subinterface to process packets with a given 802.1q VLAN ID (same value as the 'subId').
  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> default - Adding the 'default' parameter indicates that packets with VLAN IDs that do not match any other subinterfaces should be sent to this subinterface.
  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> untagged - Adding the 'untagged' parameter indicates that packets no VLAN IDs should be sent to this subinterface.
  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId>-<subId> - Create a range of subinterfaces to handle a range of VLAN IDs.
  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any [exact-match] - Use this command to specify the outer VLAN ID, to either be explicited or to make the VLAN ID different from the 'subId'.
  • create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any inner-dot1q <vlanId>|any [exact-match] - Use this command to specify the outer VLAN ID and the innner VLAN ID.

When 'dot1q' or 'dot1ad' is explictly entered, subinterfaces can be configured as either exact-match or non-exact match. Non-exact match is the CLI default. If 'exact-match' is specified, packets must have the same number of VLAN tags as the configuration. For non-exact-match, packets must at least that number of tags. L3 (routed) interfaces must be configured as exact-match. L2 interfaces are typically configured as non-exact-match. If 'dot1q' or 'dot1ad' is NOT entered, then the default behavior is exact-match.

Use the 'show interface' command to display all subinterfaces.

Example usage

Example of how to create a VLAN subinterface 11 to process packets on 802.1q VLAN ID 11:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11

The previous example is shorthand and is equivalent to:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 11 exact-match

Example of how to create a subinterface number that is different from the VLAN ID:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100

Examples of how to create q-in-q and q-in-any subinterfaces:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q 200

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q any

Examples of how to create dot1ad interfaces:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1ad 11

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1ad 100 inner-dot1q 200

Examples of 'exact-match' versus non-exact match. A packet with outer VLAN 100 and inner VLAN 200 would match this interface, because the default is non-exact match:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100

However, the same packet would NOT match this interface because 'exact-match' is specified and only one VLAN is configured, but packet contains two VLANs:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100 exact-match

Example of how to created a subinterface to process untagged packets:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 untagged

Example of how to created a subinterface to process any packet with a VLAN ID that does not match any other subinterface:

vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 7 default

When subinterfaces are created, they are in the down state. Example of how to enable a newly created subinterface:

vpp# set interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.7 up

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: create_sub_interfaces_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 880)

Implementation: create_sub_interfaces.



Interface commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vnet_cli_interface_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 478)

interface collect detailed-stats


interface collect detailed-stats <enable|disable>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: collect_detailed_interface_stats_command (src/vnet/interface.c line 1694)

Implementation: collect_detailed_interface_stats_cli.

pcap drop trace


pcap drop trace on off max <nn> intfc <intfc> file <name> status.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: pcap_trace_command (src/vnet/interface_output.c line 1265)

Implementation: pcap_drop_trace_command_fn.

renumber interface


renumber interface <interface> <new-dev-instance>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: renumber_interface_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1071)

Implementation: renumber_interface_command_fn.

set interface


Interface commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vnet_cli_set_interface_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 485)

set interface handoff


set interface handoff <interface-name> workers <workers-list> [symmetrical|asymmetrical].

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_handoff_command (src/vnet/handoff.c line 354)

Implementation: set_interface_handoff_command_fn.

set interface hw-class


Set interface hardware class.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_hw_class_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1021)

Implementation: set_hw_class.

set interface mac address


set interface mac address <interface> <mac-address>.


The 'set interface mac address ' command allows to set MAC address of given interface. In case of NIC interfaces the one has to support MAC address change. A side effect of MAC address change are changes of MAC addresses in FIB tables (ipv4 and ipv6).

Example usage
Example of how to change MAC Address of interface:
vpp# set interface mac address GigabitEthernet0/8/0 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01
vpp# set interface mac address host-vpp0 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02
vpp# set interface mac address tap-0 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:03
vpp# set interface mac address pg0 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:04

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_mac_address_cmd (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1221)

Implementation: set_interface_mac_address.

set interface mtu


set interface mtu [packet|ip4|ip6|mpls] <value> <interface>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_mtu_cmd (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1171)

Implementation: mtu_cmd.

set interface promiscuous


set interface promiscuous [on|off] <interface>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_promiscuous_cmd (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1107)

Implementation: promiscuous_cmd.

set interface rx-mode


set interface rx-mode <interface> [queue <n>] [polling | interrupt | adaptive].


This command is used to assign the RX packet processing mode (polling, interrupt, adaptive) of the a given interface, and optionally a given queue. If the 'queue' is not provided, the 'mode' is applied to all queues of the interface. Not all interfaces support all modes. To display the current rx-mode use the command 'show interface rx-placement'.

Example usage
Example of how to assign rx-mode to all queues on an interface:
vpp# set interface rx-mode VirtualEthernet0/0/12 polling
Example of how to assign rx-mode to one queue of an interface:
vpp# set interface rx-mode VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 0 interrupt
Example of how to display the rx-mode of all interfaces:
vpp# show interface rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 0 (interrupt)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 2 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/1 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 3 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 3 (polling)

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: cmd_set_if_rx_mode (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1444)

Implementation: set_interface_rx_mode.

set interface rx-placement


set interface rx-placement <interface> [queue <n>] [worker <n> | main].


This command is used to assign a given interface, and optionally a given queue, to a different thread. If the 'queue' is not provided, it defaults to 0. The 'worker' parameter is zero based and the index in the thread name, for example, 0 in the thread name 'vpp_wk_0'.

Example usage
Example of how to display the interface placement:
vpp# show interface rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 2 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/1 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 3 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 3 (polling)
Example of how to assign a interface and queue to a worker thread:
vpp# set interface rx-placement VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 1 worker 0
Example of how to display the interface placement:
vpp# show interface rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 2 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/1 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 3 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 3 (polling)

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: cmd_set_if_rx_placement (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1641)

Implementation: set_interface_rx_placement.

set interface state


set interface state <interface> [up|down|punt|enable].


This command is used to change the admin state (up/down) of an interface.

If an interface is down, the optional 'punt' flag can also be set. The 'punt' flag implies the interface is disabled for forwarding but punt all traffic to slow-path. Use the 'enable' flag to clear 'punt' flag (interface is still down).

Example usage
Example of how to configure the admin state of an interface to 'up</em?':
vpp# set interface state GigabitEthernet2/0/0 up
Example of how to configure the admin state of an interface to 'down</em?':
vpp# set interface state GigabitEthernet2/0/0 down

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_state_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 937)

Implementation: set_state.

set interface tag


set interface tag <interface> <tag>.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_tag_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1246)

Implementation: set_tag.

set interface unnumbered


set interface unnumbered [<interface> use <interface> | del <interface>].

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_unnumbered_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 978)

Implementation: set_unnumbered.

show hardware-interfaces


show hardware-interfaces [brief|verbose|detail] [bond] [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]].


Display more detailed information about all or a list of given interfaces. The verboseness of the output can be controlled by the following optional parameters:

  • brief: Only show name, index and state (default for bonded interfaces).
  • verbose: Also display additional attributes (default for all other interfaces).
  • detail: Also display all remaining attributes and extended statistics.

To limit the output of the command to bonded interfaces and their slave interfaces, use the 'bond' optional parameter.

Example usage
Example of how to display default data for all interfaces:
vpp# show hardware-interfaces
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
GigabitEthernet7/0/0               1     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/0
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fc
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
GigabitEthernet7/0/1               2     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/1
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fd
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
VirtualEthernet0/0/0               3     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/0
  Ethernet address 02:fe:a5:a9:8b:8e
VirtualEthernet0/0/1               4     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/1
  Ethernet address 02:fe:c0:4e:3b:b0
VirtualEthernet0/0/2               5     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/2
  Ethernet address 02:fe:1f:73:92:81
VirtualEthernet0/0/3               6     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/3
  Ethernet address 02:fe:f2:25:c4:68
local0                             0    down  local0
Example of how to display 'verbose' data for an interface by name and software index (where 2 is the software index):
vpp# show hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2 verbose
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
GigabitEthernet7/0/0               1     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/0
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fc
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
GigabitEthernet7/0/1               2    down  GigabitEthernet7/0/1
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fd
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_hw_interfaces_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 228)

Implementation: show_or_clear_hw_interfaces.

show interface


show interface [address|addr|features|feat] [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [verbose].

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_sw_interfaces_command (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 468)

Implementation: show_sw_interfaces.

show interface rx-placement


show interface rx-placement.


This command is used to display the interface and queue worker thread placement.

Example usage
Example of how to display the interface placement:
vpp# show interface rx-placement
Thread 1 (vpp_wk_0):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/0 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 2 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 0 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 2 (polling)
Thread 2 (vpp_wk_1):
  node dpdk-input:
    GigabitEthernet7/0/1 queue 0 (polling)
  node vhost-user-input:
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/12 queue 3 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 1 (polling)
    VirtualEthernet0/0/13 queue 3 (polling)

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_interface_rx_placement (src/vnet/interface_cli.c line 1522)

Implementation: show_interface_rx_placement_fn.