![]() |
Vector Packet Processing
dslite add pool address <ip4-range-start> [- <ip4-range-end>] [del].
vpp# dslite add pool address
Add/delete DS-Lite pool address for AFTR element.
To add DS-Lite pool address use:
vpp# dslite add pool address
To add DS-Lite pool address range use:
vpp# dslite add pool address -
Declaration: dslite_add_pool_address_command (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 301)
Implementation: dslite_add_del_pool_addr_command_fn.
dslite set aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address <ip6>.
vpp# dslite set aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address
Set IPv6 tunnel endpoint address of the AFTR element.
To set AFTR tunnel endpoint address use:
vpp# dslite set aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:1
Declaration: dslite_set_aftr_tunnel_addr (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 334)
Implementation: dslite_set_aftr_tunnel_addr_command_fn.
dslite set b4-tunnel-endpoint-address <ip6>.
vpp# dslite set b4-tunnel-endpoint-address
Set IPv6 tunnel endpoint address of the B4 element.
To set B4 tunnel endpoint address use:
vpp# dslite set b4-tunnel-endpoint-address 2001:db8:62aa::375e:f4c1:1
Declaration: dslite_set_b4_tunnel_addr (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 362)
Implementation: dslite_set_b4_tunnel_addr_command_fn.
nat addr-port-assignment-alg <alg-name> [<alg-params>].
vpp# nat addr-port-assignment-alg
Set address and port assignment algorithm
For the MAP-E CE limit port choice based on PSID use:
vpp# nat addr-port-assignment-alg map-e psid 10 psid-offset 6 psid-len 6
For port range use:
vpp# nat addr-port-assignment-alg port-range <start-port> - <end-port>
To set standard (default) address and port assignment algorithm use:
vpp# nat addr-port-assignment-alg default
Declaration: nat44_set_alloc_addr_and_port_alg_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2024)
Implementation: nat44_set_alloc_addr_and_port_alg_command_fn.
nat ha failover <ip4-address>:<port> [refresh-interval <sec>].
vpp# nat ha failover
Set HA failover (remote settings)
Declaration: nat_ha_failover_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2076)
Implementation: nat_ha_failover_command_fn.
nat ha flush.
vpp# nat ha flush
Flush the current HA data (for testing)
Declaration: nat_ha_flush_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2112)
Implementation: nat_ha_flush_command_fn.
nat ha listener <ip4-address>:<port> [path-mtu <path-mtu>].
vpp# nat ha listener
Set HA listener (local settings)
Declaration: nat_ha_listener_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2088)
Implementation: nat_ha_listener_command_fn.
nat ha resync.
vpp# nat ha resync
Resync HA (resend existing sessions to new failover)
Declaration: nat_ha_resync_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2124)
Implementation: nat_ha_resync_command_fn.
nat ipfix logging [domain <domain-id>] [src-port <port>] [disable].
vpp# snat ipfix logging
To enable NAT IPFIX logging use:
vpp# nat ipfix logging
To set IPFIX exporter use:
vpp# set ipfix exporter collector src
Declaration: snat_ipfix_logging_enable_disable_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2006)
Implementation: snat_ipfix_logging_enable_disable_command_fn.
nat mss-clamping <mss-value>|disable.
vpp# nat mss-clamping
Set TCP MSS rewriting configuration
To enable TCP MSS rewriting use:
vpp# nat mss-clamping 1452
To disbale TCP MSS rewriting use:
vpp# nat mss-clamping disable
Declaration: nat_set_mss_clamping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2052)
Implementation: nat_set_mss_clamping_command_fn.
nat set logging level <level>.
vpp# nat set logging level
To set NAT logging level use:
Set nat logging level
Declaration: snat_set_log_level_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 1991)
Implementation: snat_set_log_level_command_fn.
nat virtual-reassembly ip4|ip6 [max-reassemblies <n>] [max-fragments <n>] [timeout <sec>] [enable|disable].
Declaration: nat_reass_command (src/plugins/nat/nat_reass.c line 871)
Implementation: nat_reass_command_fn.
nat44 add address <ip4-range-start> [- <ip4-range-end>] [tenant-vrf <vrf-id>] [twice-nat] [del].
vpp# nat44 add address
Add/delete NAT44 pool address.
To add NAT44 pool address use:
vpp# nat44 add address
vpp# nat44 add address -
To add NAT44 pool address for specific tenant (identified by VRF id) use:
vpp# nat44 add address tenant-vrf 10
Declaration: add_address_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2153)
Implementation: add_address_command_fn.
nat44 add identity mapping <ip4-addr>|external <interface> [<protocol> <port>] [vrf <table-id>] [del].
vpp# nat44 add identity mapping
Identity mapping translate an IP address to itself.
To create identity mapping for address port 6303 for TCP protocol
vpp# nat44 add identity mapping tcp 6303
To create identity mapping for address use:
vpp# nat44 add identity mapping
To create identity mapping for DHCP addressed interface use:
vpp# nat44 add identity mapping external GigabitEthernet0/a/0 tcp 3606
Declaration: add_identity_mapping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2259)
Implementation: add_identity_mapping_command_fn.
nat44 add interface address <interface> [twice-nat] [del].
vpp# nat44 add interface address
Use NAT44 pool address from specific interfce
To add NAT44 pool address from specific interface use:
vpp# nat44 add interface address GigabitEthernet0/8/0
Declaration: snat_add_interface_address_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2333)
Implementation: snat_add_interface_address_command_fn.
nat44 add load-balancing back-end protocol tcp|udp external <addr>:<port> local <addr>:<port> [vrf <table-id>] probability <n> [del].
vpp# nat44 add load-balancing static mapping
Modify service load balancing using NAT44
To add new back-end server for service load balancing
static mapping with external IP address and TCP port 80 use:
vpp# nat44 add load-balancing back-end protocol tcp external local probability 25
Declaration: add_lb_backend_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2295)
Implementation: add_lb_backend_command_fn.
nat44 add load-balancing static mapping protocol tcp|udp external <addr>:<port> local <addr>:<port> [vrf <table-id>] probability <n> [twice-nat|self-twice-nat] [out2in-only] [affinity <timeout-seconds>] [del].
vpp# nat44 add load-balancing static mapping
Service load balancing using NAT44
To add static mapping with load balancing for service with external IP
address and TCP port 80 and mapped to 2 local servers and with probability 80% resp. 20% use:
vpp# nat44 add load-balancing static mapping protocol tcp external local probability 80 local probability 20
Declaration: add_lb_static_mapping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2276)
Implementation: add_lb_static_mapping_command_fn.
nat44 add static mapping tcp|udp|icmp local <addr> [<port>] external <addr> [<port>] [vrf <table-id>] [twice-nat|self-twice-nat] [out2in-only] [del].
vpp# nat44 add static mapping
Static mapping allows hosts on the external network to initiate connection
to to the local network host.
To create static mapping between local host address port 6303 and
external address port 3606 for TCP protocol use:
vpp# nat44 add static mapping tcp local 6303 external 3606
If not runnig "static mapping only" NAT plugin mode use before:
vpp# nat44 add address
To create static mapping between local and external address use:
vpp# nat44 add static mapping local external
Declaration: add_static_mapping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2237)
Implementation: add_static_mapping_command_fn.
nat44 del session in|out <addr>:<port> tcp|udp|icmp [vrf <id>] [external-host <addr>:<port>].
vpp# nat44 del session
To administratively delete NAT44 session by inside address and port use:
vpp# nat44 del session in tcp
To administratively delete NAT44 session by outside address and port use:
vpp# nat44 del session out udp
Declaration: nat44_del_session_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2377)
Implementation: nat44_del_session_command_fn.
nat44 deterministic add in <addr>/<plen> out <addr>/<plen> [del].
vpp# nat44 deterministic add
Create bijective mapping of inside address to outside address and port range
pairs, with the purpose of enabling deterministic NAT to reduce logging in
CGN deployments.
To create deterministic mapping between inside network and
outside network use:
# vpp# nat44 deterministic add in out
Declaration: snat_det_map_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2412)
Implementation: snat_det_map_command_fn.
nat44 deterministic close session in <in_addr>:<in_port> <ext_addr>:<ext_port>.
vpp# nat44 deterministic close session in
Close session using inside ip address and port
and external ip address and port, use:
vpp# nat44 deterministic close session in
Declaration: snat_det_close_session_in_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2507)
Implementation: snat_det_close_session_in_fn.
nat44 deterministic close session out <out_addr>:<out_port> <ext_addr>:<ext_port>.
vpp# nat44 deterministic close session out
Close session using outside ip address and port
and external ip address and port, use:
vpp# nat44 deterministic close session out
Declaration: snat_det_close_sesion_out_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2492)
Implementation: snat_det_close_session_out_fn.
nat44 deterministic forward <addr>.
vpp# nat44 deterministic forward
Return outside address and port range from inside address for deterministic
To obtain outside address and port of inside host use:
vpp# nat44 deterministic forward<1054-1068>
Declaration: snat_det_forward_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2446)
Implementation: snat_det_forward_command_fn.
nat44 deterministic reverse <addr>:<port>.
vpp# nat44 deterministic reverse
Return inside address from outside address and port for deterministic NAT.
To obtain inside host address from outside address and port use:
#vpp nat44 deterministic reverse
Declaration: snat_det_reverse_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2461)
Implementation: snat_det_reverse_command_fn.
nat44 forwarding enable|disable.
vpp# nat44 forwarding
Enable or disable forwarding
Forward packets which don't match existing translation
or static mapping instead of dropping them.
To enable forwarding, use:
vpp# nat44 forwarding enable
To disable forwarding, use:
vpp# nat44 forwarding disable
Declaration: snat_forwarding_set_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2395)
Implementation: snat_forwarding_set_command_fn.
nat64 add interface address <interface> [del].
vpp# nat64 add interface address
Add/delete NAT64 pool address from specific (DHCP addressed) interface.
To add NAT64 pool address from specific interface use:
vpp# nat64 add interface address GigabitEthernet0/8/0
Declaration: nat64_add_interface_address_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 917)
Implementation: nat64_add_interface_address_command_fn.
nat64 add pool address <ip4-range-start> [- <ip4-range-end>] [tenant-vrf <vrf-id>] [del].
vpp# nat64 add pool address
Add/delete NAT64 pool address.
To add single NAT64 pool address use:
vpp# nat64 add pool address
To add NAT64 pool address range use:
vpp# nat64 add pool address -
To add NAT64 pool address for specific tenant use:
vpp# nat64 add pool address tenant-vrf 100
Declaration: nat64_add_pool_address_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 749)
Implementation: nat64_add_del_pool_addr_command_fn.
nat64 add prefix <ip6-prefix>/<plen> [tenant-vrf <vrf-id>] [del] [interface <interface].
vpp# nat64 add prefix
Set NAT64 prefix for generating IPv6 representations of IPv4 addresses.
To set NAT64 global prefix use:
vpp# nat64 add prefix 2001:db8::/32
To set NAT64 prefix for specific tenant use:
vpp# nat64 add prefix 2001:db8:122:300::/56 tenant-vrf 10
Declaration: nat64_add_del_prefix_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 885)
Implementation: nat64_add_del_prefix_command_fn.
nat64 add static bib <ip6-addr> <port> <ip4-addr> <port> tcp|udp|icmp [vfr <table-id>] [del].
vpp# nat64 add static bib
Add/delete NAT64 static BIB entry.
To create NAT64 satatic BIB entry use:
vpp# nat64 add static bib 2001:db8:c000:221:: 1234 5678 tcp
vpp# nat64 add static bib 2001:db8:c000:221:: 1234 5678 udp vrf 10
Declaration: nat64_add_del_static_bib_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 814)
Implementation: nat64_add_del_static_bib_command_fn.
nat66 add static mapping local <ip6-addr> external <ip6-addr> [vfr <table-id>] [del].
vpp# nat66 add static mapping
Add/delete NAT66 static mapping entry.
To add NAT66 static mapping entry use:
vpp# nat66 add static mapping local fd01:1::4 external 2001:db8:c000:223::
vpp# nat66 add static mapping local fd01:1::2 external 2001:db8:c000:221:: vrf 10
Declaration: show_nat66_add_del_static_mapping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat66_cli.c line 290)
Implementation: nat66_add_del_static_mapping_command_fn.
set interface nat44 in <intfc> out <intfc> [output-feature] [del].
vpp# set interface nat44
Enable/disable NAT44 feature on the interface.
To enable NAT44 feature with local network interface use:
vpp# set interface nat44 in GigabitEthernet0/8/0
To enable NAT44 feature with external network interface use:
vpp# set interface nat44 out GigabitEthernet0/a/0
Declaration: set_interface_snat_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2200)
Implementation: snat_feature_command_fn.
set interface nat64 in|out <intfc> [del].
vpp# set interface nat64
Enable/disable NAT64 feature on the interface.
To enable NAT64 feature with local (IPv6) network interface
GigabitEthernet0/8/0 and external (IPv4) network interface
GigabitEthernet0/a/0 use:
vpp# set interface nat64 in GigabitEthernet0/8/0 out GigabitEthernet0/a/0
Declaration: set_interface_nat64_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 782)
Implementation: nat64_interface_feature_command_fn.
set interface nat66 in|out <intfc> [del].
vpp# set interface nat66
Enable/disable NAT66 feature on the interface.
To enable NAT66 feature with local (IPv6) network interface
GigabitEthernet0/8/0 and external (IPv4) network interface
GigabitEthernet0/a/0 use:
vpp# set interface nat66 in GigabitEthernet0/8/0 out GigabitEthernet0/a/0
Declaration: set_interface_nat66_command (src/plugins/nat/nat66_cli.c line 258)
Implementation: nat66_interface_feature_command_fn.
set nat timeout [udp <sec> | tcp-established <sec> tcp-transitory <sec> | icmp <sec> | reset].
vpp# set nat timeout
Set values of timeouts for NAT sessions (in seconds), use:
vpp# set nat timeout udp 120 tcp-established 7500 tcp-transitory 250 icmp 90
To reset default values use:
vpp# set nat44 deterministic timeout reset
Declaration: set_timeout_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 1959)
Implementation: set_timeout_command_fn.
set nat workers <workers-list>.
vpp# set snat workers
Set NAT workers if 2 or more workers available, use:
vpp# set snat workers 0-2,5
Declaration: set_workers_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 1928)
Implementation: set_workers_command_fn.
show dslite aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address.
vpp# show dslite aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address
Show IPv6 tunnel endpoint address of the AFTR element.
vpp# show dslite aftr-tunnel-endpoint-address
Declaration: dslite_show_aftr_ip6_addr (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 348)
Implementation: dslite_show_aftr_ip6_addr_command_fn.
show dslite b4-tunnel-endpoint-address.
vpp# show dslite b4-tunnel-endpoint-address
Show IPv6 tunnel endpoint address of the B4 element.
vpp# show dslite b4-tunnel-endpoint-address
Declaration: dslite_show_b4_ip6_addr (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 376)
Implementation: dslite_show_b4_ip6_addr_command_fn.
show dslite pool.
vpp# show dslite pool
Show DS-lite pool addresses.
vpp# show dslite pool
DS-Lite pool:
Declaration: show_dslite_pool_command (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 320)
Implementation: dslite_show_pool_command_fn.
show dslite sessions.
vpp# show dslite sessions
Show DS-Lite sessions.
vpp# show dslite sessions
B4 fd01:2::2 1 sessions
in out protocol udp
total pkts 2, total bytes 136
B4 fd01:2::3 2 sessions
in out protocol tcp
total pkts 2, total bytes 160
in out protocol icmp
total pkts 2, total bytes 136
Declaration: dslite_show_sessions (src/plugins/nat/dslite_cli.c line 397)
Implementation: dslite_show_sessions_command_fn.
show nat addr-port-assignment-alg.
vpp# show nat addr-port-assignment-alg
Show address and port assignment algorithm
Declaration: nat44_show_alloc_addr_and_port_alg_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2036)
Implementation: nat44_show_alloc_addr_and_port_alg_command_fn.
show nat ha.
vpp# show nat ha
Show HA configuration/status
Declaration: nat_show_ha_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2100)
Implementation: nat_show_ha_command_fn.
show nat mss-clamping.
vpp# show nat mss-clamping
Show TCP MSS rewriting configuration
Declaration: nat_show_mss_clamping_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2064)
Implementation: nat_show_mss_clamping_command_fn.
show nat timeouts.
vpp# show nat timeouts
Show values of timeouts for NAT sessions.
vpp# show nat timeouts
udp timeout: 300sec
tcp-established timeout: 7440sec
tcp-transitory timeout: 240sec
icmp timeout: 60sec
Declaration: nat_show_timeouts_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 1978)
Implementation: nat_show_timeouts_command_fn.
show nat virtual-reassembly.
Declaration: show_nat_reass_command (src/plugins/nat/nat_reass.c line 879)
Implementation: show_nat_reass_command_fn.
show nat workers.
vpp# show nat workers
Show NAT workers.
vpp# show nat workers:
2 workers
Declaration: nat_show_workers_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 1944)
Implementation: nat_show_workers_commnad_fn.
show nat44 addresses.
vpp# show nat44 addresses
Show NAT44 pool addresses.
vpp# show nat44 addresses
NAT44 pool addresses:
tenant VRF independent
10 busy udp ports
0 busy tcp ports
0 busy icmp ports
tenant VRF: 10
0 busy udp ports
2 busy tcp ports
0 busy icmp ports
NAT44 twice-nat pool addresses:
tenant VRF independent
0 busy udp ports
0 busy tcp ports
0 busy icmp ports
Declaration: nat44_show_addresses_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2184)
Implementation: nat44_show_addresses_command_fn.
show nat44 deterministic mappings.
Declaration: nat44_det_show_mappings_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2430)
Implementation: nat44_det_show_mappings_command_fn.
show nat44 deterministic sessions.
vpp# show nat44 deterministic sessions
Show NAT44 deterministic sessions.
vpp# show nat44 deterministic sessions
NAT44 deterministic sessions:
in out external host state: udp-active expire: 306
in out external host state: udp-active expire: 306
in out external host state: udp-active expire: 306
Declaration: nat44_det_show_sessions_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2478)
Implementation: nat44_det_show_sessions_command_fn.
show nat44 hash tables [detail|verbose].
vpp# show nat44 hash tables
Show NAT44 hash tables
Declaration: nat44_show_hash (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2136)
Implementation: nat44_show_hash_commnad_fn.
show nat44 interface address.
vpp# show nat44 interface address
Show NAT44 pool address interfaces
vpp# show nat44 interface address
NAT44 pool address interfaces:
NAT44 twice-nat pool address interfaces:
Declaration: nat44_show_interface_address_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2350)
Implementation: nat44_show_interface_address_command_fn.
show nat44 interfaces.
vpp# show nat44 interfaces
Show interfaces with NAT44 feature.
vpp# show nat44 interfaces
NAT44 interfaces:
GigabitEthernet0/8/0 in
GigabitEthernet0/a/0 out
Declaration: nat44_show_interfaces_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2217)
Implementation: nat44_show_interfaces_command_fn.
show nat44 sessions [detail].
vpp# show nat44 sessions
Show NAT44 sessions.
Declaration: nat44_show_sessions_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2362)
Implementation: nat44_show_sessions_command_fn.
show nat44 static mappings.
vpp# show nat44 static mappings
Show NAT44 static mappings.
vpp# show nat44 static mappings
NAT44 static mappings:
local external vrf 0
tcp local external vrf 0
tcp vrf 0 external out2in-only
local probability 80
local probability 20
tcp local external vrf 0 twice-nat
tcp local external GigabitEthernet0/a/0:6306 vrf 10
Declaration: nat44_show_static_mappings_command (src/plugins/nat/nat44_cli.c line 2319)
Implementation: nat44_show_static_mappings_command_fn.
show nat64 bib all|tcp|udp|icmp|unknown.
vpp# show nat64 bib
Show NAT64 BIB entries.
To show NAT64 TCP BIB entries use:
vpp# show nat64 bib tcp
NAT64 tcp BIB:
fd01:1::2 6303 62303 tcp vrf 0 dynamic 1 sessions
2001:db8:c000:221:: 1234 5678 tcp vrf 0 static 2 sessions
To show NAT64 UDP BIB entries use:
vpp# show nat64 bib udp
NAT64 udp BIB:
fd01:1::2 6304 10546 udp vrf 0 dynamic 10 sessions
2001:db8:c000:221:: 1234 5678 udp vrf 10 static 0 sessions
To show NAT64 ICMP BIB entries use:
vpp# show nat64 bib icmp
NAT64 icmp BIB:
fd01:1::2 6305 63209 icmp vrf 10 dynamic 1 sessions
Declaration: show_nat64_bib_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 841)
Implementation: nat64_show_bib_command_fn.
show nat64 interfaces.
vpp# show nat64 interfaces
Show interfaces with NAT64 feature.
To show interfaces with NAT64 feature use:
vpp# show nat64 interfaces
NAT64 interfaces:
GigabitEthernet0/8/0 in
GigabitEthernet0/a/0 out
Declaration: show_nat64_interfaces_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 799)
Implementation: nat64_show_interfaces_command_fn.
show nat64 pool.
vpp# show nat64 pool
Show NAT64 pool.
vpp# show nat64 pool
NAT64 pool: tenant VRF: 0 tenant VRF: 10
Declaration: show_nat64_pool_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 766)
Implementation: nat64_show_pool_command_fn.
show nat64 prefix.
vpp# show nat64 prefix
Show NAT64 prefix.
To show NAT64 prefix use:
vpp# show nat64 prefix
NAT64 prefix:
2001:db8::/32 tenant-vrf 0
2001:db8:122:300::/56 tenant-vrf 10
Declaration: show_nat64_prefix_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 903)
Implementation: nat64_show_prefix_command_fn.
show nat64 session table all|tcp|udp|icmp|unknown.
vpp# show nat64 session table
Show NAT64 session table.
To show NAT64 TCP session table use:
vpp# show nat64 session table tcp
NAT64 tcp session table:
fd01:1::2 6303 64:ff9b::ac10:202 20 62303 20 tcp vrf 0
fd01:3::2 6303 64:ff9b::ac10:202 20 21300 20 tcp vrf 10
To show NAT64 UDP session table use:
#vpp show nat64 session table udp
NAT64 udp session table:
fd01:1::2 6304 64:ff9b::ac10:202 20 10546 20 udp vrf 0
fd01:3::2 6304 64:ff9b::ac10:202 20 58627 20 udp vrf 10
fd01:1::2 1235 64:ff9b::a00:3 4023 24488 4023 udp vrf 0
fd01:1::3 23 64:ff9b::a00:3 24488 4023 24488 udp vrf 0
To show NAT64 ICMP session table use:
#vpp show nat64 session table icmp
NAT64 icmp session table:
fd01:1::2 64:ff9b::ac10:202 6305 63209 icmp vrf 0
Declaration: show_nat64_st_command (src/plugins/nat/nat64_cli.c line 869)
Implementation: nat64_show_st_command_fn.
show nat66 interfaces.
vpp# show nat66 interfaces
Show interfaces with NAT66 feature.
To show interfaces with NAT66 feature use:
vpp# show nat66 interfaces
NAT66 interfaces:
GigabitEthernet0/8/0 in
GigabitEthernet0/a/0 out
Declaration: show_nat66_interfaces_command (src/plugins/nat/nat66_cli.c line 275)
Implementation: nat66_show_interfaces_command_fn.
show nat66 static mappings.
vpp# show nat66 static mappings
Show NAT66 static mappings.
To show NAT66 static mappings use:
vpp# show nat66 static mappings
NAT66 static mappings:
local fd01:1::4 external 2001:db8:c000:223:: vrf 0
local fd01:1::2 external 2001:db8:c000:221:: vrf 10
Declaration: show_nat66_static_mappings_command (src/plugins/nat/nat66_cli.c line 308)
Implementation: nat66_show_static_mappings_command_fn.