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Vector Packet Processing
clear acl-plugin sessions.
Declaration: aclplugin_clear_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3536)
Implementation: acl_clear_aclplugin_fn.
set acl-plugin session timeout {{udp idle}|tcp {idle|transient}} <seconds>.
Declaration: aclplugin_set_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3470)
Implementation: acl_set_aclplugin_fn.
set acl-plugin acl <permit|deny> src <PREFIX> dst <PREFIX> proto X sport X-Y dport X-Y [tag FOO] {use comma separated list for multiple rules}.
Create an Access Control List (ACL) an ACL is composed of more than one Access control element (ACE). Multiple ACEs can be specified with this command using a comma separated list.
Each ACE describes a tuple of src+dst IP prefix, ip protocol, src+dst port ranges. (the ACL plugin also support ICMP types/codes instead of UDP/TCP ports, but this CLI does not).
An ACL can optionally be assigned a 'tag' - which is an identifier understood by the client. VPP does not examine it in any way.
Declaration: aclplugin_set_acl_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3573)
Implementation: acl_set_aclplugin_acl_fn.
set acl-plugin interface <interface> <input|output> <acl INDEX> [del] .
[un]Apply an ACL to an interface. The ACL is applied in a given direction, either input or output. The ACL being applied must already exist.
Declaration: aclplugin_set_interface_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3551)
Implementation: acl_set_aclplugin_interface_fn.
show acl-plugin acl [index N].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_acl_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3476)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_acl_fn.
show acl-plugin decode 5tuple XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Declaration: aclplugin_show_decode_5tuple_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3494)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_decode_5tuple_fn.
show acl-plugin interface [sw_if_index N] [acl].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_interface_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3500)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_interface_fn.
show acl-plugin lookup context [index N].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_lookup_context_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3482)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_lookup_context_fn.
show acl-plugin lookup user [index N].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_lookup_user_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3488)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_lookup_user_fn.
show acl-plugin macip acl [index N].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_macip_acl_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3524)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_macip_acl_fn.
show acl-plugin macip interface.
Declaration: aclplugin_show_macip_interface_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3530)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_macip_interface_fn.
show acl-plugin memory.
Declaration: aclplugin_show_memory_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3506)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_memory_fn.
show acl-plugin sessions.
Declaration: aclplugin_show_sessions_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3512)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_sessions_fn.
show acl-plugin tables [ acl [index N] | applied [ lc_index N ] | mask | hash [verbose N] ].
Declaration: aclplugin_show_tables_command (src/plugins/acl/acl.c line 3518)
Implementation: acl_show_aclplugin_tables_fn.