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ip6 nd


ip6 nd <interface> ...


This command is used to configure the neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. Use the &#39;<em>show ip6 interface</em>&#39; command to display some of the current neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. This command has three formats:

<b>Format 1 - Router Advertisement Options:</b> (Only one can be entered in a single command)

&#39;<em><b>ip6 nd <interface> [no] [ra-managed-config-flag] | [ra-other-config-flag] | [ra-suppress] | [ra-suppress-link-layer] | [ra-send-unicast] | [ra-lifetime <lifetime>] | [ra-initial <cnt> <interval>] | [ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>]] | [ra-cease]</b></em>&#39;


<em>[no] ra-managed-config-flag</em> - Advertises in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages to use stateful address auto-configuration to obtain address information (sets the M-bit). Default is the M-bit is not set and the &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns it to this default state.

<em>[no] ra-other-config-flag</em> - Indicates in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages that hosts use stateful auto configuration to obtain nonaddress related information (sets the O-bit). Default is the O-bit is not set and the &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns it to this default state.

<em>[no] ra-suppress</em> - Disables sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option implies to enable sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

<em>[no] ra-suppress-link-layer</em> - Indicates not to include the optional source link-layer address in the ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. Default is to include the optional source link-layer address and the &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns it to this default state.

<em>[no] ra-send-unicast</em> - Use the source address of the router-solicitation message if availiable. The default is to use multicast address of all nodes, and the &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns it to this default state.

<em>[no] ra-lifetime <lifetime></em> - Advertises the lifetime of a default router in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range is from 0 to 9000 seconds. &#39;<em><lifetime></em>&#39; must be greater than &#39;<em><max-interval></em>&#39;. The default value is 600 seconds and the &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns it to this default value.

<em>[no] ra-initial <cnt> <interval></em> - Number of initial ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages sent and the interval between each message. Range for count is 1 - 3 and default is 3. Range for interval is 1 to 16 seconds, and default is 16 seconds. The &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns both to their default value.

<em>[no] ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>]</em> - Configures the interval between sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range for max-interval is from 4 to 200 seconds. min-interval can not be more than 75% of max-interval. If not set, min-interval will be set to 75% of max-interval. The range for min-interval is from 3 to 150 seconds. The &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; option returns both to their default value.

<em>[no] ra-cease</em> - Cease sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The &#39;<em>no</em>&#39; options implies to start (or restart) sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

<b>Format 2 - Prefix Options:</b>

&#39;<em><b>ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width> [<valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime> | infinite] [no-advertise] [off-link] [no-autoconfig] [no-onlink]</b></em>&#39;


<em>no</em> - All additional flags are ignored and the prefix is deleted.

<em><valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime></em> - &#39;<em><valid-lifetime></em>&#39; is the length of time in seconds during what the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination. Range is 7203 to 2592000 seconds and default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). &#39;<em><pref-lifetime></em>&#39; is the prefered-lifetime and is the length of time in seconds during what addresses generated from the prefix remain preferred. Range is 0 to 604800 seconds and default is 604800 seconds (7 days).

<em>infinite</em> - Both &#39;<em><valid-lifetime></em>&#39; and &#39;<em><<pref-lifetime></em>&#39; are inifinte, no timeout.

<em>no-advertise</em> - Do not send full router address in prefix advertisement. Default is to advertise (i.e. - This flag is off by default).

<em>off-link</em> - Prefix is off-link, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). &#39;<em>no-onlink</em>&#39; also controls the L-bit.

<em>no-autoconfig</em> - Do not use prefix for autoconfiguration, clear A-bit in packet. Default is autoconfig (i.e. - This flag is off and A-bit in packet is set by default.

<em>no-onlink</em> - Do not use prefix for onlink determination, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). &#39;<em>off-link</em>&#39; also controls the L-bit.

<b>Format 3: - Default of Prefix:</b>

&#39;<em><b>ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width> default</b></em>&#39;

When a new prefix is added (or existing one is being overwritten) <em>default</em> uses default values for the prefix. If <em>no</em> is used, the <em>default</em> is ignored and the prefix is deleted.

Example usage
Example of how set a router advertisement option:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ra-interval 100 20
Example of how to add a prefix:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64 infinite no-advertise
Example of how to delete a prefix:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 no prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_nd_command (src/vnet/ip6-nd/ip6_ra.c line 2290)

Implementation: ip6_ra_cmd.

ip6 nd address autoconfig


ip6 nd address autoconfig &lt;interface&gt; [default-route|disable].


This command is used to enable ND address autoconfiguration on particular interface including setting up default routes.

Example usage
Example of how to enable ND address autoconfiguration:
vpp# ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Example of how to enable ND address autoconfiguration with setting up default routes:
vpp# ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0 default-route
Example of how to disable ND address autoconfiguration:
vpp# ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_nd_address_autoconfig_command (src/vnet/ip6-nd/rd_cp.c line 592)

Implementation: ip6_nd_address_autoconfig.

set ip6 nd proxy


set ip6 nd proxy &lt;interface&gt; [del] &lt;host-ip&gt;.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip6_nd_proxy_command (src/vnet/ip6-nd/ip6_nd_proxy.c line 117)

Implementation: set_ip6_nd_proxy_cmd.