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Vector Packet Processing
create interface virtio <pci-address> [feature-mask <hex-mask>] [gso-enabled] [csum-enabled] [buffering [size <buffering-szie>]] [packed].
Declaration: virtio_pci_create_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/cli.c line 70)
Implementation: virtio_pci_create_command_fn.
create vhost-user socket <socket-filename> [server] [feature-mask <hex>] [hwaddr <mac-addr>] [renumber <dev_instance>] [gso] [packed] [event-idx].
Create a vHost User interface. Once created, a new virtual interface will exist with the name '<em>VirtualEthernet0/0/x</em>', where '<em>x</em>' is the next free index.
There are several parameters associated with a vHost interface:
vpp# create vhost-user socket /var/run/vpp/vhost1.sock
Example of how to create a vhost interface with VPP as the server and with just multiple queues enabled: vpp# create vhost-user socket /var/run/vpp/vhost2.sock server feature-mask 0x40400000
Once the vHost interface is created, enable the interface using: vpp# set interface state VirtualEthernet0/0/0 up
Declaration: vhost_user_connect_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/vhost_user.c line 2336)
Implementation: vhost_user_connect_command_fn.
delete interface virtio {<interface> | sw_if_index <sw_idx>}.
Declaration: virtio_pci_delete_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/cli.c line 124)
Implementation: virtio_pci_delete_command_fn.
delete vhost-user {<interface> | sw_if_index <sw_idx>}.
Delete a vHost User interface using the interface name or the software interface index. Use the '<em>show interface</em>' command to determine the software interface index. On deletion, the linux socket will not be deleted.
vpp# delete vhost-user VirtualEthernet0/0/1
Example of how to delete a vhost interface by software interface index: vpp# delete vhost-user sw_if_index 1
Declaration: vhost_user_delete_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/vhost_user.c line 2359)
Implementation: vhost_user_delete_command_fn.
set virtio pci {<interface> | sw_if_index <sw_idx>} [gso-enabled | csum-offload-enabled | offloads-disabled].
Declaration: virtio_pci_enable_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/cli.c line 186)
Implementation: virtio_pci_enable_command_fn.
show vhost-user [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [[descriptors] [verbose]].
Display the attributes of a single vHost User interface (provide interface name), multiple vHost User interfaces (provide a list of interface names seperated by spaces) or all Vhost User interfaces (omit an interface name to display all vHost interfaces).
Example of how to display a vhost interface:
vpp# show vhost-user VirtualEthernet0/0/0
Virtio vhost-user interfaces
coalesce frames 32 time 1e-3
Interface: VirtualEthernet0/0/0 (ifindex 1)
virtio_net_hdr_sz 12
features mask (0xffffffffffffffff):
features (0x50408000):
protocol features (0x3)
socket filename /var/run/vpp/vhost1.sock type client errno "Success"
rx placement:
thread 1 on vring 1
thread 1 on vring 5
thread 2 on vring 3
thread 2 on vring 7
tx placement: spin-lock
thread 0 on vring 0
thread 1 on vring 2
thread 2 on vring 0
Memory regions (total 2)
region fd guest_phys_addr memory_size userspace_addr mmap_offset mmap_addr
====== ===== ================== ================== ================== ================== ==================
0 60 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000000a0000 0x00002aaaaac00000 0x0000000000000000 0x00002aab2b400000
1 61 0x00000000000c0000 0x000000003ff40000 0x00002aaaaacc0000 0x00000000000c0000 0x00002aababcc0000
Virtqueue 0 (TX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 128 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 62 callfd 64 errfd -1
Virtqueue 1 (RX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 65 callfd 66 errfd -1
Virtqueue 2 (TX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 128 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 63 callfd 70 errfd -1
Virtqueue 3 (RX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 72 callfd 74 errfd -1
Virtqueue 4 (TX disabled)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 76 callfd 78 errfd -1
Virtqueue 5 (RX disabled)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 80 callfd 82 errfd -1
Virtqueue 6 (TX disabled)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 84 callfd 86 errfd -1
Virtqueue 7 (RX disabled)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 0 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 88 callfd 90 errfd -1
The optional '<em>descriptors</em>' parameter will display the same output as the previous example but will include the descriptor table for each queue. The output is truncated below:
vpp# show vhost-user VirtualEthernet0/0/0 descriptors
Virtio vhost-user interfaces
coalesce frames 32 time 1e-3
Interface: VirtualEthernet0/0/0 (ifindex 1)
virtio_net_hdr_sz 12
features mask (0xffffffffffffffff):
features (0x50408000):
Virtqueue 0 (TX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 1 avail.idx 128 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 62 callfd 64 errfd -1
descriptor table:
id addr len flags next user_addr
===== ================== ===== ====== ===== ==================
0 0x0000000010b6e974 2060 0x0002 1 0x00002aabbc76e974
1 0x0000000010b6e034 2060 0x0002 2 0x00002aabbc76e034
2 0x0000000010b6d6f4 2060 0x0002 3 0x00002aabbc76d6f4
3 0x0000000010b6cdb4 2060 0x0002 4 0x00002aabbc76cdb4
4 0x0000000010b6c474 2060 0x0002 5 0x00002aabbc76c474
5 0x0000000010b6bb34 2060 0x0002 6 0x00002aabbc76bb34
6 0x0000000010b6b1f4 2060 0x0002 7 0x00002aabbc76b1f4
7 0x0000000010b6a8b4 2060 0x0002 8 0x00002aabbc76a8b4
8 0x0000000010b69f74 2060 0x0002 9 0x00002aabbc769f74
9 0x0000000010b69634 2060 0x0002 10 0x00002aabbc769634
10 0x0000000010b68cf4 2060 0x0002 11 0x00002aabbc768cf4
249 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 250 0x00002aab2b400000
250 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 251 0x00002aab2b400000
251 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 252 0x00002aab2b400000
252 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 253 0x00002aab2b400000
253 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 254 0x00002aab2b400000
254 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 255 0x00002aab2b400000
255 0x0000000000000000 0 0x0000 32768 0x00002aab2b400000
Virtqueue 1 (RX)
qsz 256 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
Declaration: show_vhost_user_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/vhost_user.c line 2499)
Implementation: show_vhost_user_command_fn.
show virtio pci [<interface>] [descriptors | desc] [debug-device].
Declaration: show_virtio_pci_command (src/vnet/devices/virtio/cli.c line 252)
Implementation: show_virtio_pci_fn.