Ip6-nd cli reference

ip6 nd

ip6 nd <interface> ...

This command is used to configure the neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. Use the show ip6 interface command to display some of the current neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. This command has three formats:

Format 1 - Router Advertisement Options: (Only one can be entered in a single command)

ip6 nd <interface> [no] [ra-managed-config-flag] |
  [ra-other-config-flag] | [ra-suppress] | [ra-suppress-link-layer] |
  [ra-send-unicast] | [ra-lifetime <lifetime>] |
  [ra-initial <cnt> <interval>] |
  [ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>]] | [ra-cease]


[no] ra-managed-config-flag - Advertises in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages to use stateful address auto-configuration to obtain address information (sets the M-bit). Default is the M-bit is not set and the no option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-other-config-flag - Indicates in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages that hosts use stateful auto configuration to obtain nonaddress related information (sets the O-bit). Default is the O-bit is not set and the no option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-suppress - Disables sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The no option implies to enable sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

[no] ra-suppress-link-layer - Indicates not to include the optional source link-layer address in the ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. Default is to include the optional source link-layer address and the no option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-send-unicast - Use the source address of the router-solicitation message if available. The default is to use multicast address of all nodes, and the no option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-lifetime <lifetime> - Advertises the lifetime of a default router in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range is from 0 to 9000 seconds. <lifetime> must be greater than <max-interval>. The default value is 600 seconds and the no option returns it to this default value.

[no] ra-initial <cnt> <interval> - Number of initial ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages sent and the interval between each message. Range for count is 1 - 3 and default is 3. Range for interval is 1 to 16 seconds, and default is 16 seconds. The no option returns both to their default value.

[no] ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>] - Configures the interval between sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range for max-interval is from 4 to 200 seconds. min-interval can not be more than 75% of max-interval. If not set, min-interval will be set to 75% of max-interval. The range for min-interval is from 3 to 150 seconds. The no option returns both to their default value.

[no] ra-cease - Cease sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The no options implies to start (or restart) sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

Format 2 - Prefix Options:

ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width>
  [<valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime> | infinite] [no-advertise] [off-link]
  [no-autoconfig] [no-onlink]


no - All additional flags are ignored and the prefix is deleted.

<valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime> - <valid-lifetime> is the length of time in seconds during what the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination. Range is 7203 to 2592000 seconds and default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). <pref-lifetime> is the preferred-lifetime and is the length of time in seconds during what addresses generated from the prefix remain preferred. Range is 0 to 604800 seconds and default is 604800 seconds (7 days).

infinite - Both <valid-lifetime> and <pref-lifetime> are infinite, no timeout.

no-advertise - Do not send full router address in prefix advertisement. Default is to advertise (i.e. - This flag is off by default).

off-link - Prefix is off-link, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). no-onlink also controls the L-bit.

no-autoconfig - Do not use prefix for autoconfiguration, clear A-bit in packet. Default is autoconfig (i.e. - This flag is off and A-bit in packet is set by default.

no-onlink - Do not use prefix for onlink determination, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). off-link also controls the L-bit.

Format 3: - Default of Prefix:

ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width> default

When a new prefix is added (or existing one is being overwritten) default uses default values for the prefix. If no is used, the default is ignored and the prefix is deleted.

Example of how set a router advertisement option:

ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ra-interval 100 20

Example of how to add a prefix:

ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64 infinite no-advertise

Example of how to delete a prefix:

ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 no prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64

Declaration: ip6_nd_command src/vnet/ip6-nd/ip6_ra.c line 2317

Implementation: ip6_ra_cmd

ip6 nd address autoconfig

ip6 nd address autoconfig <interface> [default-route|disable]

This command is used to enable ND address autoconfiguration on particular interface including setting up default routes.

Example of how to enable ND address autoconfiguration:

ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Example of how to enable ND address autoconfiguration with setting up default routes:

ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0 default-route

Example of how to disable ND address autoconfiguration:

ip6 nd address autoconfig GigabitEthernet2/0/0 disable

Declaration: ip6_nd_address_autoconfig_command src/vnet/ip6-nd/rd_cp.c line 590

Implementation: ip6_nd_address_autoconfig

set interface ip6-nd proxy

set interface ip6-nd proxy <intfc> [enable|disable]

Declaration: set_int_ip6_nd_proxy_enable_command src/vnet/ip6-nd/ip6_nd_mirror_proxy.c line 84

Implementation: set_int_ip6_nd_proxy_command_fn

set ip6 nd proxy

set ip6 nd proxy <interface> [del] <host-ip>

Declaration: set_ip6_nd_proxy_command src/vnet/ip6-nd/ip6_nd_proxy.c line 121

Implementation: set_ip6_nd_proxy_cmd