16 #ifndef __MFIB_ENTRY_SRC_H__ 17 #define __MFIB_ENTRY_SRC_H__ mfib_entry_src_cover_change_t mev_cover_change
mfib_entry_src_cover_update_t mev_cover_update
enum mfib_entry_flags_t_ mfib_entry_flags_t
fib_node_index_t mfes_cover
struct mfib_entry_src_t_ mfib_entry_src_t
The source of an MFIB entry.
mfib_src_res_t mfib_entry_src_cover_change(mfib_entry_t *mfib_entry, mfib_entry_src_t *bsrc)
mfib_itf_t * mfes_itfs
The hash table of all interfaces.
enum mfib_source_t_ mfib_source_t
Possible [control plane] sources of MFIB entries.
The source of an MFIB entry.
mfib_entry_src_t * mfib_entry_get_best_src(const mfib_entry_t *mfib_entry)
mfib_source_t mfes_src
Which source this is.
mfib_src_res_t mfib_entry_src_cover_update(mfib_entry_t *mfib_entry, mfib_entry_src_t *bsrc)
struct mfib_entry_src_vft_t_ mfib_entry_src_vft
Virtual function table provided by each_source.
signals from the sources to the caller
void(* mfib_entry_src_deactiviate_t)(mfib_entry_t *, mfib_entry_src_t *)
A function provided by each source to be invoked when it is deactivated.
u32 mfes_ref_count
The reference count on the entry.
void mfib_entry_src_rr_module_init(void)
void mfib_entry_src_deactivate(mfib_entry_t *mfib_entry, mfib_entry_src_t *bsrc)
fib_rpf_id_t mfes_rpf_id
void mfib_entry_src_activate(mfib_entry_t *mfib_entry, mfib_entry_src_t *bsrc)
mfib_entry_src_activiate_t mev_activate
void mfib_entry_src_module_init(void)
fib_node_index_t mfes_pl
The path-list of forwarding interfaces.
u32 fib_node_index_t
A typedef of a node index.
mfib_path_ext_t * mfes_exts
Hash table of path extensions.
enum mfib_src_res_t_ mfib_src_res_t
signals from the sources to the caller
u32 fib_rpf_id_t
An RPF-ID is numerical value that is used RPF validate.
MFIB extensions to each path.
void(* mfib_entry_src_activiate_t)(mfib_entry_t *, mfib_entry_src_t *)
A function provided by each source to be invoked when it is activated.
mfib_itf_flags_t mfpe_flags
An interface associated with a particular MFIB entry.
mfib_src_res_t(* mfib_entry_src_cover_change_t)(mfib_entry_t *, mfib_entry_src_t *)
A function provided by each source to be invoked when the cover changes.
mfib_entry_src_deactiviate_t mev_deactivate
void mfib_entry_src_register(mfib_source_t, const mfib_entry_src_vft *)
fib_node_index_t mfpe_path
struct mfib_path_ext_t_ mfib_path_ext_t
MFIB extensions to each path.
Virtual function table provided by each_source.
enum mfib_itf_flags_t_ mfib_itf_flags_t
mfib_entry_flags_t mfes_flags
Route flags.
mfib_src_res_t(* mfib_entry_src_cover_update_t)(mfib_entry_t *, mfib_entry_src_t *)
A function provided by each source to be invoked when the cover is updated.