16 #ifndef __GBP_POLICY_H__ 17 #define __GBP_POLICY_H__ u32 flags
buffer flags: VLIB_BUFFER_FREE_LIST_INDEX_MASK: bits used to store free list index, VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED: trace this buffer.
static_always_inline void gbp_policy_trace(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, vlib_buffer_t *b, const gbp_contract_key_t *key, gbp_rule_action_t action, u32 acl_match, u32 rule_match)
#define static_always_inline
u8 * format_gbp_policy_trace(u8 *s, va_list *args)
sclass_t gck_src
source and destination EPGs for which the ACL applies
vlib_main_t vlib_node_runtime_t * node
struct gbp_policy_trace_t_ gbp_policy_trace_t
per-packet trace data
enum gbp_rule_action_t_ gbp_rule_action_t
VLIB buffer representation.
void * vlib_add_trace(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_runtime_t *r, vlib_buffer_t *b, u32 n_data_bytes)