Vector Packet Processing
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43 u32 * parent_sw_if_index,
44 u32 pipe_sw_if_index[2]);
56 u32 pipe_sw_if_index[2],
representation of a pipe interface
subint_config_t subint
Sub-interface config.
int vnet_create_pipe_interface(u8 is_specified, u32 user_instance, u32 *parent_sw_if_index, u32 pipe_sw_if_index[2])
Create a new pipe interface.
walk_rc_t(* pipe_cb_fn_t)(u32 parent_sw_if_index, u32 pipe_sw_if_index[2], u32 instance, void *ctx)
Call back function when walking all the pipes.
void pipe_walk(pipe_cb_fn_t fn, void *ctx)
Walk all the of pipe interfaces.
pipe_t * pipe_get(u32 sw_if_index)
Get the pipe instnace based on one end.
int vnet_delete_pipe_interface(u32 parent_sw_if_index)
vl_api_interface_index_t sw_if_index
u32 sw_if_index
the SW if_index of the other end of the pipe
enum walk_rc_t_ walk_rc_t
Walk return code.
struct pipe_t_ pipe_t
representation of a pipe interface