FD.io VPP  v21.10.1-2-g0a485f517
Vector Packet Processing
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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6  *
7  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #ifndef included_vnet_api_errno_h
16 #define included_vnet_api_errno_h
18 #include <stdarg.h>
19 #include <vppinfra/types.h>
20 #include <vppinfra/format.h>
22 #define foreach_vnet_api_error \
23 _(UNSPECIFIED, -1, "Unspecified Error") \
24 _(INVALID_SW_IF_INDEX, -2, "Invalid sw_if_index") \
25 _(NO_SUCH_FIB, -3, "No such FIB / VRF") \
26 _(NO_SUCH_INNER_FIB, -4, "No such inner FIB / VRF") \
27 _(NO_SUCH_LABEL, -5, "No such label") \
28 _(NO_SUCH_ENTRY, -6, "No such entry") \
29 _(INVALID_VALUE, -7, "Invalid value") \
30 _(INVALID_VALUE_2, -8, "Invalid value #2") \
31 _(UNIMPLEMENTED, -9, "Unimplemented") \
32 _(INVALID_SW_IF_INDEX_2, -10, "Invalid sw_if_index #2") \
33 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_1, -11, "System call error #1") \
34 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_2, -12, "System call error #2") \
35 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_3, -13, "System call error #3") \
36 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_4, -14, "System call error #4") \
37 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_5, -15, "System call error #5") \
38 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_6, -16, "System call error #6") \
39 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_7, -17, "System call error #7") \
40 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_8, -18, "System call error #8") \
41 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_9, -19, "System call error #9") \
42 _(SYSCALL_ERROR_10, -20, "System call error #10") \
43 _(FEATURE_DISABLED, -30, "Feature disabled by configuration") \
44 _(INVALID_REGISTRATION, -31, "Invalid registration") \
45 _(NEXT_HOP_NOT_IN_FIB, -50, "Next hop not in FIB") \
46 _(UNKNOWN_DESTINATION, -51, "Unknown destination") \
47 _(NO_PATHS_IN_ROUTE, -52, "No paths specified in route") \
48 _(NEXT_HOP_NOT_FOUND_MP, -53, "Next hop not found (multipath)") \
49 _(NO_MATCHING_INTERFACE, -54, "No matching interface for probe") \
50 _(INVALID_VLAN, -55, "Invalid VLAN") \
51 _(VLAN_ALREADY_EXISTS, -56, "VLAN subif already exists") \
52 _(INVALID_SRC_ADDRESS, -57, "Invalid src address") \
53 _(INVALID_DST_ADDRESS, -58, "Invalid dst address") \
54 _(ADDRESS_LENGTH_MISMATCH, -59, "Address length mismatch") \
55 _(ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_INTERFACE, -60, "Address not found for interface") \
56 _(ADDRESS_NOT_DELETABLE, -61, "Address not deletable") \
57 _(IP6_NOT_ENABLED, -62, "ip6 not enabled") \
58 _(NO_SUCH_NODE, -63, "No such graph node") \
59 _(NO_SUCH_NODE2, -64, "No such graph node #2") \
60 _(NO_SUCH_TABLE, -65, "No such table") \
61 _(NO_SUCH_TABLE2, -66, "No such table #2") \
62 _(NO_SUCH_TABLE3, -67, "No such table #3") \
63 _(SUBIF_ALREADY_EXISTS, -68, "Subinterface already exists") \
64 _(SUBIF_CREATE_FAILED, -69, "Subinterface creation failed") \
65 _(INVALID_MEMORY_SIZE, -70, "Invalid memory size requested") \
66 _(INVALID_INTERFACE, -71, "Invalid interface") \
67 _(INVALID_VLAN_TAG_COUNT, -72, "Invalid number of tags for requested operation") \
68 _(INVALID_ARGUMENT, -73, "Invalid argument") \
69 _(UNEXPECTED_INTF_STATE, -74, "Unexpected interface state") \
70 _(TUNNEL_EXIST, -75, "Tunnel already exists") \
71 _(INVALID_DECAP_NEXT, -76, "Invalid decap-next") \
72 _(RESPONSE_NOT_READY, -77, "Response not ready") \
73 _(NOT_CONNECTED, -78, "Not connected to the data plane") \
74 _(IF_ALREADY_EXISTS, -79, "Interface already exists") \
75 _(BOND_SLAVE_NOT_ALLOWED, -80, "Operation not allowed on slave of BondEthernet") \
76 _(VALUE_EXIST, -81, "Value already exists") \
77 _(SAME_SRC_DST, -82, "Source and destination are the same") \
78 _(IP6_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT, -83, "IP6 multicast address required") \
79 _(SR_POLICY_NAME_NOT_PRESENT, -84, "Segment routing policy name required") \
80 _(NOT_RUNNING_AS_ROOT, -85, "Not running as root") \
81 _(ALREADY_CONNECTED, -86, "Connection to the data plane already exists") \
82 _(UNSUPPORTED_JNI_VERSION, -87, "Unsupported JNI version") \
83 _(IP_PREFIX_INVALID, -88, "IP prefix invalid (masked bits set in address") \
84 _(INVALID_WORKER, -89, "Invalid worker thread") \
85 _(LISP_DISABLED, -90, "LISP is disabled") \
86 _(CLASSIFY_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, -91, "Classify table not found") \
87 _(INVALID_EID_TYPE, -92, "Unsupported LISP EID type") \
88 _(CANNOT_CREATE_PCAP_FILE, -93, "Cannot create pcap file") \
89 _(INCORRECT_ADJACENCY_TYPE, -94, "Invalid adjacency type for this operation") \
90 _(EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_RANGES_CAPACITY, -95, "Operation would exceed configured capacity of ranges") \
91 _(EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_PORTS_CAPACITY, -96, "Operation would exceed capacity of number of ports") \
92 _(INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY, -97, "Invalid address family") \
93 _(INVALID_SUB_SW_IF_INDEX, -98, "Invalid sub-interface sw_if_index") \
94 _(TABLE_TOO_BIG, -99, "Table too big") \
95 _(CANNOT_ENABLE_DISABLE_FEATURE, -100, "Cannot enable/disable feature") \
96 _(BFD_EEXIST, -101, "Duplicate BFD object") \
97 _(BFD_ENOENT, -102, "No such BFD object") \
98 _(BFD_EINUSE, -103, "BFD object in use") \
99 _(BFD_NOTSUPP, -104, "BFD feature not supported") \
100 _(ADDRESS_IN_USE, -105, "Address in use") \
101 _(ADDRESS_NOT_IN_USE, -106, "Address not in use") \
102 _(QUEUE_FULL, -107, "Queue full") \
103 _(APP_UNSUPPORTED_CFG, -108, "Unsupported application config") \
104 _(URI_FIFO_CREATE_FAILED, -109, "URI FIFO segment create failed") \
105 _(LISP_RLOC_LOCAL, -110, "RLOC address is local") \
106 _(BFD_EAGAIN, -111, "BFD object cannot be manipulated at this time") \
107 _(INVALID_GPE_MODE, -112, "Invalid GPE mode") \
108 _(LISP_GPE_ENTRIES_PRESENT, -113, "LISP GPE entries are present") \
109 _(ADDRESS_FOUND_FOR_INTERFACE, -114, "Address found for interface") \
110 _(SESSION_CONNECT, -115, "Session failed to connect") \
111 _(ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS, -116, "Entry already exists") \
112 _(SVM_SEGMENT_CREATE_FAIL, -117, "Svm segment create fail") \
113 _(APPLICATION_NOT_ATTACHED, -118, "Application not attached") \
114 _(BD_ALREADY_EXISTS, -119, "Bridge domain already exists") \
115 _(BD_IN_USE, -120, "Bridge domain has member interfaces") \
116 _(BD_NOT_MODIFIABLE, -121, "Bridge domain 0 can't be deleted/modified") \
117 _(BD_ID_EXCEED_MAX, -122, "Bridge domain ID exceeds 16M limit") \
118 _(SUBIF_DOESNT_EXIST, -123, "Subinterface doesn't exist") \
119 _(L2_MACS_EVENT_CLINET_PRESENT, -124, "Client already exist for L2 MACs events") \
120 _(INVALID_QUEUE, -125, "Invalid queue") \
121 _(UNSUPPORTED, -126, "Unsupported") \
122 _(DUPLICATE_IF_ADDRESS, -127, "Address already present on another interface") \
123 _(APP_INVALID_NS, -128, "Invalid application namespace") \
124 _(APP_WRONG_NS_SECRET, -129, "Wrong app namespace secret") \
125 _(APP_CONNECT_SCOPE, -130, "Connect scope") \
126 _(APP_ALREADY_ATTACHED, -131, "App already attached") \
127 _(SESSION_REDIRECT, -132, "Redirect failed") \
128 _(ILLEGAL_NAME, -133, "Illegal name") \
129 _(NO_NAME_SERVERS, -134, "No name servers configured") \
130 _(NAME_SERVER_NOT_FOUND, -135, "Name server not found") \
131 _(NAME_RESOLUTION_NOT_ENABLED, -136, "Name resolution not enabled") \
132 _(NAME_SERVER_FORMAT_ERROR, -137, "Server format error (bug!)") \
133 _(NAME_SERVER_NO_SUCH_NAME, -138, "No such name") \
134 _(NAME_SERVER_NO_ADDRESSES, -139, "No addresses available") \
135 _(NAME_SERVER_NEXT_SERVER, -140, "Retry with new server") \
136 _(APP_CONNECT_FILTERED, -141, "Connect was filtered") \
137 _(ACL_IN_USE_INBOUND, -142, "Inbound ACL in use") \
138 _(ACL_IN_USE_OUTBOUND, -143, "Outbound ACL in use") \
139 _(INIT_FAILED, -144, "Initialization Failed") \
140 _(NETLINK_ERROR, -145, "Netlink error") \
141 _(BIER_BSL_UNSUP, -146, "BIER bit-string-length unsupported") \
142 _(INSTANCE_IN_USE, -147, "Instance in use") \
143 _(INVALID_SESSION_ID, -148, "Session ID out of range") \
144 _(ACL_IN_USE_BY_LOOKUP_CONTEXT, -149, "ACL in use by a lookup context") \
145 _(INVALID_VALUE_3, -150, "Invalid value #3") \
146 _(NON_ETHERNET, -151, "Interface is not an Ethernet interface") \
147 _(BD_ALREADY_HAS_BVI, -152, "Bridge domain already has a BVI interface") \
148 _(INVALID_PROTOCOL, -153, "Invalid Protocol") \
149 _(INVALID_ALGORITHM, -154, "Invalid Algorithm") \
150 _(RSRC_IN_USE, -155, "Resource In Use") \
151 _(KEY_LENGTH, -156, "invalid Key Length") \
152 _(FIB_PATH_UNSUPPORTED_NH_PROTO, -157, "Unsupported FIB Path protocol") \
153 _(API_ENDIAN_FAILED, -159, "Endian mismatch detected") \
154 _(NO_CHANGE, -160, "No change in table") \
155 _(MISSING_CERT_KEY, -161, "Missing certifcate or key") \
156 _(LIMIT_EXCEEDED, -162, "limit exceeded") \
157 _(IKE_NO_PORT, -163, "port not managed by IKE") \
158 _(UDP_PORT_TAKEN, -164, "UDP port already taken") \
159 _(EAGAIN, -165, "Retry stream call with cursor") \
160 _(INVALID_VALUE_4, -166, "Invalid value #4") \
162 typedef enum
163 {
164 #define _(a,b,c) VNET_API_ERROR_##a = (b),
166 #undef _
170 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
171 static inline u8 *
172 format_vnet_api_errno (u8 * s, va_list * args)
173 {
174  vnet_api_error_t api_error = va_arg (*args, vnet_api_error_t);
175 #ifdef _
176 #undef _
177 #endif
178 #define _(a, b, c) \
179  case b: \
180  s = format (s, "%s", c); \
181  break;
182  switch (api_error)
183  {
185  default:
186  s = format (s, "UNKNOWN");
187  break;
188  }
189  return s;
190 #undef _
191 }
192 /* *INDENT-ON* */
194 #endif /* included_vnet_api_errno_h */
196 /*
197  * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
198  *
199  * Local Variables:
200  * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
201  * End:
202  */
static u8 * format_vnet_api_errno(u8 *s, va_list *args)
Definition: api_errno.h:172
Definition: api_errno.h:167
description fragment has unexpected format
Definition: map.api:433
unsigned char u8
Definition: types.h:56
#define foreach_vnet_api_error
Definition: api_errno.h:22
Definition: api_errno.h:162