Vector Packet Processing
int teib_entry_add(u32 sw_if_index, const ip_address_t *peer, u32 nh_table_id, const ip_address_t *nh)
Create a new TEIB entry.
u32 teib_entry_get_fib_index(const teib_entry_t *ne)
void(* teib_entry_deleted_t)(const teib_entry_t *ne)
teib_entry_t * teib_entry_find(u32 sw_if_index, const ip_address_t *peer)
u32 teib_entry_get_sw_if_index(const teib_entry_t *ne)
accessors for the opaque struct
u8 * format_teib_entry(u8 *s, va_list *args)
const ip_address_t * teib_entry_get_peer(const teib_entry_t *ne)
teib_entry_t * teib_entry_get(index_t nei)
u32 index_t
A Data-Path Object is an object that represents actions that are applied to packets are they are swit...
struct teib_vft_t_ teib_vft_t
enum fib_protocol_t_ fib_protocol_t
Protocol Type.
teib_entry_t * teib_entry_find_46(u32 sw_if_index, fib_protocol_t fproto, const ip46_address_t *peer)
walk_rc_t(* teib_walk_cb_t)(index_t nei, void *ctx)
void teib_walk_itf(u32 sw_if_index, teib_walk_cb_t fn, void *ctx)
const fib_prefix_t * teib_entry_get_nh(const teib_entry_t *ne)
void teib_walk(teib_walk_cb_t fn, void *ctx)
void teib_register(const teib_vft_t *vft)
teib_entry_added_t nv_added
u32 adj_index_t
An index for adjacencies.
teib_entry_deleted_t nv_deleted
void(* teib_entry_added_t)(const teib_entry_t *ne)
Notifications for the creation and deletion of TEIB entries.
vl_api_interface_index_t sw_if_index
void teib_entry_adj_stack(const teib_entry_t *ne, adj_index_t ai)
int teib_entry_del(u32 sw_if_index, const ip_address_t *peer)
enum walk_rc_t_ walk_rc_t
Walk return code.
Aggregate type for a prefix.